
Upcoming Events

Join Us Sundays

Worship together with us at 9:30 AM every Sunday.  We also live-stream from our YouTube Channel for those experiencing hardship to attend in-person.

Christian Education Classes

Adult CE Class | Sundays | 11:15 AM | Break 
High School CE Class | Sundays | 11:15 AM | Rm 204
Middle School  CE Class | Sundays | 11:15 AM | Rm 201 

Third Spaces Project (1/19) 

Between work and home, there’s a third space where you spend time with people. What if you could grow in intentional gospel influence there? This Sunday is the deadline to make a commitment to this evangelism training + practice for adults, twice a month, 11:15 AM this Sunday in Room 107. 

Bigfoot Youth Retreat (2/14-17)

Students in 6th – 12th grade, draw closer to God and each other at our 4-day weekend getaway. Theme: “Of First Importance.” Late registration cost until 1/26: $200. Register online at Our Youth Page. Contact any Footprints counselor or Bonnie W for details. 

Baby Dedications (1/26 + 2/9)

Join us that Sunday as we celebrate families that are dedicating their children to the Lord. 

Lunar New Year Celebration (2/9)

You’re invited to a fun program and games celebrating Lunar New Year, all translated into English, 1:30 PM that Sunday, after lunch in the Main Sanctuary. 

Pray For

Those recently married; hospitality team ministry; kids after-school homework club; Southern California wildfire recovery

Grow at Home

Sign up to access our church’s online subscription for RightNow Media through Derrick T. (Discipleship Deacon). Most videos for our Bible studies & CE courses are available there, as well as content for kids, families, and personal growth in Christ.

Kids Homework Club

We provide after-school homework help and fun activities for students in K- 5th grade; Mon-Thu, 3:30-5:30 PM. Register online: Kids HW Club Registration. To volunteer, contact Min. Lisa Ko.

Bridging Grace

There are many ways we can be missional, Christ-like neighbors in our community! Get involved with Bridging Grace to tangibly bless local families by praying, donating, pantry shopping, or delivering home essentials each month. Contact Mindy to learn more.