Family Adults Group

Married or single adults & parents can find mutual support, encouragement, and accountability, 7:30 - 9:30 PM every Friday in Room 107 of the Worship Center.

Small Groups

Each Friday, we meet in discussion groups at church to study the Bible. Afterward, we break into men's and women's groups for sharing and prayer.

We Value...

Safety: We only heal and grow when there is spiritual and emotional safety.  We pursue an environment and culture that is safe for all group members.

Authenticity: Growth takes place when followers of Christ are genuinely transparent with God and one another, so that His truth and grace nourish us as we are open together.

Humility: Willingness to give and receive constructive feedback & support is essential to our spiritual and emotional health.  We seek humility before God and one another.

Growth: God's desire and plan is that we all become like Jesus, putting on His character and likeness.  We help one another to grow in Christ.


Vision Statement

To build strong families together in a safe and supportive community in Christ.


Contact Lynnette J. for more information.