Why Believe?
CE 2023
Welcome to Christian Education @ The Crossing
Where: Room 202
Time: Sundays, 11:15am - 12:15pm
If you're interested in joining, please sign up below!
For the rest of this year, we will be going through a book called Why Believe by Neil Shenvi.
"For centuries, skeptics have disputed the claims of Christianity―such as belief in an eternal God and the resurrection of Jesus Christ―arguing that they simply cannot be accepted by reasonable individuals. Furthermore, efforts to demonstrate the evidence and rational basis for Christianity through apologetics are often deemed too simplistic to be taken seriously in intellectual circles."
Each week, we will be going over the homework assignments, review the chapter contents, and then participate in a group discussion / activity.
If you need a copy of the book, you may purchase it by yourself here or purchase the book in person for $10. An audiobook is also available for those who prefer listening!
9/28/2023 - Class resuming on 10/22
Hello everyone! Thanks for joining for our second session of Why Believe? CE class. We will be resuming our last CE class on Sunday 10/22 with Pastor Josh teaching on The Gospel (Part 2) Christianity and Sin. See you then!
8/3/2023 - Class resuming on 8/13
Hope the summer is all going well. Just a quick reminder that CE is resuming next week on August 13th. Please read through Chapter 4 of Why Believe? and go over the homework. Also we will be starting at 11:15am to give a little more transition time after service. For those who are new, please just come and check us out, we can provide materials during the class.
6/25/2023 - Break for July
I hope you all found the first part of CE Why Believe? to be helpful in better understanding why you believe what you believe and hopefully having more spiritual conversations.
We will be on break for the month of July and starting back the first Sunday of August (8/6/2023) August 13, 2023.
Please have Chapter 4 read and homework complete when we resume class in August. If you have not read Chapters 1, 2 and 3 yet or if you are joining us for the first time, please use the month of July to catch up! Slides and homework can be found below. If you would like a book, please reach out to me or Kevin Zhang.
We are also collecting anonymous feedback for how things went in the month of June. Your feedback will help shape future sessions.
6/11/2023 - Week 1
Thank you for attending today's first CE class. We'll be using this google group as the main form of communicating to the class.
For those without a book yet, please bring $10 for a physical copy of the book next Sunday. In the meantime, Chapter 1 is available online to the public.
Those that bought the book, I'll provide you with a digital copy that comes with the book purchase.